Workshop: B004 Mobility is at stake in Europe - challenges of the climate crisis and social impacts on the aviation and shipping sectors

The transport sector is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The ongoing climate crisis has led to public action. Although the goals are insufficient and socially and geographically inequitable, they will trigger dramatic changes. The workshop will show what impact this has on workers.

Transport is the only sector where emissions have increased in the EU. The ongoing climate crisis has led to public action at national, European and global levels. It must be ensured that workers in the aviation and shipping transport sectors benefit from upskilling and retraining as well as from the creation of alternative jobs in climate-friendly sectors; trade unions should also be involved in every step of the process.

At the European level, the first things that must be achieved are:
- a common understanding of the climate impact of the transport sector and the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- highlighting the misguided goals of the states and the EU and the false promises and feigned answers of the capitalist proprietors
- the development of a vision of the changes needed to meet the 1.5°C target
- highlight that workers in the sector are facing massive changes (retraining, re-skilling, developing alternative jobs)
- initiate the first steps to build social alliances (e.g. trade unions, climate activists, international networks) to advance these goals.


Day: 2022-08-19
Start time: 16:30
Duration: 01:45
Room: S301 Organization:
Track: Ecology and climate justice
Language: de


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