


Audimax 1 ()



A Film by Carmen Losmann, Petrolio Film GmbH / Deckert Distribution GmbH, 2020, 1:29 h
W200 - Kino (de)
What are the structural abuses that encourage forced labour and how can they be overcome?
W223 (de)
How to fight Amazon's expansion in Europe
W305 (fr)
Comparing Struggles, Demands, Setbacks and Advances
S203 (en)
Theory and practice - staging and realisation in the context of ESU 22
SE01 (de)
European strategies for success against the power of the corporate giants
W310 (en)
Concrete utopia of a successful life
SE03 (de)
The EU Commission's climate policy programme
W307 (de)
Destruction of the Route des Pêches, Porte de Non Retour and Route de l‘Esclave, Permaculture in Beninlave
S301 (fr)
The London Mining Network reports
S204 (en)
Capital requirements, windfall taxes, and fighting corporate lobbying with the power of the people
S104 (en)
Climate jobs, climate justice, and system change
S102 (en)
Feminist struggles for equality
S103 (en)


A film by Boxfish on behalf of Sea-Eye and the Mennonite Relief Society. Germany, 2020, 52min, Director: Martina Chamrad
W200 - Kino (de)


by Harald Hahn, approx. 60 minutes plus 30 minutes audience discussion
Z34-Z36 (de)
Focus on rental housing market (Germany, Austria)
SE02 (de)
Responding to war and conflict in the 21st century
S103 (en)
A foundation and instrument for a completely different kind of communisation
S104 (de)
W200 - Kino (de)
Creating momentum to end the fossil fuel age step by step
W223 (en)
Making financial corporations pay
S301 (en)
Fighting oppression as social movements
S209 (fr)



A film by Marc Bader, Germany 2020, 114min
W200 - Kino ()
Reduced working hours as crucial part of the socio-ecological transition
SE02 (en)
Struggles against their exploitation
SE03 (fr)
Misuse of property debt, student debt and microcredit
W310 (fr)
Support for Syrians in Syria or in exile who are fighting for democracy and social justice
S301 (en)
How can climate activists and farming communities unite in a struggle against climate change and for better farming practices?
W309 (en)
How we can form a resistance better when we come together
S201b (de)
Politics, strategies, tactics and the next steps
W223 (en)
PRACTISING how to appropriately handle right-wing ideas
S101 (de)



A film by Martin Kessler, Germany 2020, 45min, followed by a discussion with the filmmaker.
W200 - Kino (de)
How can international solidarity among wage earners be strengthened?
S104 (en)
Protest posters by artists from Poland
S304 (de)


Mosaic, Rainbow, Unity
Audimax 1 ()



A presence that protects and transforms
S202 (en)
The bread and butter of street protest
W305 (en)
Discontinued model or new beginning?
S103 (de)
Our responsibility in times of climate emergency - What you can do in civil resistance
S201a (de)
How the youth within the Climate Justice Movement will occupy schools in 2022 to end the use of fossil fuels
S104 (en)
The promises of new technology and why we must do something about it
S102 (en)
Geopolitics and its the consequences on the capacity of the EU to cope with climate change
S203 (en)
Crucial questions for the left in Europe
S301 (en)


A cinematic diary of the climate protests - Germany 2019, 103min
W200 - Kino (de)
Ukrainian activists* on the war on Ukraine, resistance and solidarity
Audimax 2 (de)
On peace and disarmament in times of war
Audimax 1 (de)



Résumé, perspectives, goodbye!
Audimax 1 ()