Workshop: A012 From Health to BigTech
European strategies for success against the power of the corporate giants

The European Network for Corporate Research (ENCO) will discuss various experiences and successes. Reports will be given on different topics such as health and BigTech. The European Network Against Health Privatisation and BastaMag report from France, Multiwatch from Switzerland and Goliathwatch from Germany.
The European Network for Corporate Research (ENCO) will discuss various experiences and successes. How can we enforce good health care against profit maximisation? Are we helplessly at the mercy of hate and fake news from Facebook and YouTube? Alliances and organisations will report on their struggles and successes: Which strategies (don't) work? What are the next steps at the regional and global levels? What can the participants take away from these experiences for their own engagement?
The French activist Vladimir Nieddu from PHM France and the European Network Against Health Privatisation" will explain the struggles against privatisation in the healthcare sector.
Dr. Thomas Dürmeier, board member of Goliathwatch of Hamburg and member of the scientific advisory board of Attac Germany reports on the successful defence against digital election campaigning Trump-style and the fight against blocking by Facebook.
Belgian activist Sebastian Franco from Gresea (Groupe de recherche pour une stratégie économique alternative) will present Gresea’s work.
French journalist Rachel Knaebel will report from BastaMag and anti-corporate work in France.
An activist from Multiwatch in Switzerland will report on the Swiss struggles.
Start time:
Capitalism, health and social crisis