Workshop: E028 Functioning and development of the European Union

The EU is very crucial to the daily lives of Europeans.
This workshop will explain how the European Union works and discusses possible developments of the EU.
The European Union is not a state, but an association of 27 states bound by the signature of treaties that connect them institutionally. This workshop aims to advance the reflection on the nature of the EU and its possible evolutions: affirmation of a confederation, establishment of a federation on the basis of the current treaties, reform or recasting in a way that is favourable to the European peoples.
The points dealt with are the following:
1) The genesis of the EU in the aftermath of the Second World War: the role of the United States and its links with the Marshall Plan and NATO, the constitution of an economic and then political bloc, the choices made after 1991.
2) The European treaties in the light of free trade and free investment treaties.
3) The questions that arise (European defence, role of the Parliament, extension of the field of exclusive competence, generalisation of qualified majority voting, presidency of Europe).
4) Discussion
Towards a European state, a confederation, a federation, a mixed institutional form, maintaining the status quo?
Is it possible to overcome the neo-liberal ratchets of the treaties? If not, how can the treaties be broken and/or circumvented?
Start time:
Civil liberties, democracy