Workshop: B141 A just energy transition in Europe and Asia

What effect does the war in Ukraine have on one of the key points of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the energy transition? Speakers from Europa and Asia will tackle the loopholes and challenges in the implementation of this crucial transition.

Implementing the Paris Agreement means that a fundamental global shift is needed in the way we organise our economy. Pledges have been made, but to what effect? One of the side effects of the devastating war in Ukraine was that Europe suddenly realised that it had so speed up its energy transition and generate more local, renewable energy. Did this materialise in concrete plans? And what are the effects of raising fossil fuel costs on the emerging economies in Asia, and on their emission-commitments. How do countries like China, India and Indonesia define the term ”just transition”? Can Europe learn from their policies, or do we face similar challenges and loopholes?


Day: 2022-08-19
Start time: 10:00
Duration: 01:45
Room: S203 Organization:
Track: Ecology and climate justice
Language: en


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