Workshop: C066 Gender-sensitive lessons to be learned from the pandemic as levers for social and feminist transformation

The feminist analysis of the pandemic examines ”primary housework,” the combination of remote working and domestic work, as well as increased domestic violence. What dynamics can this analysis bring to our social demands in order to make them levers of feminist struggle?

The pandemic has highlighted the prominent role of women in this global crisis situation. Given the importance of the sectors in which most women were involved during the pandemic, the questions of the compatibility of private and work life, remote working, and the increased domestic and family violence caused by the pandemic, we ask what can be learned from a gendered approach to this crisis in order to make it a lever for feminist struggles and demands for social, feminist and ecological transformation.


Day: 2022-08-18
Start time: 16:30
Duration: 01:45
Room: S201b Organization:
Track: Feminism and gender issues
Language: fr


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