Workshop: E071 EU-water policies

The workshop will illustrate EU water standards, the path to implementation of the right to water and the lack of acceptance by EU institutions.
It will take stock of EU policies and reflect on the current situation and possible future actions.

The workshop will present the legal framework (European Water Movement – EWM; Water Framework Directive – WFD; Drinking Water Directive – DWD; the 2010 UN General Assembly Resolution; European Citizens' Initiative - ECI Right2Water and the EU Parliament Resolution). What is the response of the EU institutions?
Recent developments give little reason for hope: the impact of pandemics with their social and economic hardships, the listing of water on the stock exchange and the concerns of the UN Special Rapporteur, the EWM and the political, social and cultural issues.
What about the temporary NextGenerationEU (NGEU) recovery programme and the economic recovery programmes of the EU member states? And how is the risk of water privatisation to be assessed?
We will discuss the position and initiatives of the EWM and the national/territorial movements and possible future actions.


Day: 2022-08-18
Start time: 16:30
Duration: 01:45
Room: S304 Organization:
Track: Civil liberties, democracy
Language: en


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