Workshop: B009 Struggles against the appropriation of water and the pollution of the aquatic environment by private companies in Europe

We will present several cases of water grabbing and water pollution in Europe on the part of the bottled water industry, mining, the planned Tesla factory in Berlin and the planned expansion of the Barcelona airport. We will also give an overview of the respective struggles of civil society. How can these struggles beunited?
The bottled water industry and mining claim water and pollute the aquatic environment, as do some factories and transport infrastructure. In several places in Europe, civil society is organising to fight against these private companies that do not comply with EU water regulations: Collectif Eau 88 will present the fight against Nestlé Waters in Vittel; Comitato Umbro Acqua Pubblica will explain the fight against Roquetta SA in the Apennines; Collectif Destocamine will tell us about the fight against Stocamine in Alsace; Berliner Wassertisch will present the fight against Tesla's Giga Factory construction project in Berlin/Brandenburg; and SOS Bai Llobregat will explain their fight against the planned expansion of the Barcelona Airport in the Llobregat Delta. Then they will discuss how all these struggles can be united to address the European institutions more effectively. Climate change has already exacerbated conflicts over water use. The European institutions must ensure that the Water Framework Directive is implemented by the individual member states, even if it means conflicting with the interests of private companies such as those we will talk about in the workshop.
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Ecology and climate justice