Workshop: A056 The unconditional basic income (UBI)
A foundation and instrument for a completely different kind of communisation

An unconditional basic income (UBI) would unconditionally secure everyone's material existence; they would not have to earn it and could not lose it. That is how society could evolve because people would want to form a society with each other without selling labour or its products to each other out of sheer necessity.
We will test this thesis in three concrete fields: war, gender and health.
Just as the UBI guarantees livelihoods, war radically challenges livelihoods without affecting everyone equally. While men usually instigate and wage wars, others suffer more than they do.
Especially in the private sphere it is women who organise and maintain everyday life. War is also a very specific issue for the basic income movement, even if we don't know the answer to whether a society with a basic income would be more peaceful.
Would a UBI keep women out of the labour market and entrench patriarchal structures, or would it offer the chance to reconcile family life and work in a more relaxed way for both men and women? We think that decoupling work and income would make invisible but necessary work visible as well as highlight this work’s social relevance.
People are willing to pay for their health, making it possible to dobusiness with health. While poverty is a threat to people’s health (poor people die earlier and are sick more often and more severely), material inequality is an even greater threat. A UBI would reduce both poverty and inequality.
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Civil liberties, democracy
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