Workshop: B008 Fit for 55?

The EU Commission's climate policy programme

The programme proposed by the EU Commission will determine climate policy in the coming years. Will it be sufficient to meet the 2°C degree target? Where are its weak points? Which regulations are worth supporting?

In July 2021, the EU Commission proposed 14 regulations that will determine climate policy in the coming years.
The workshop will give an overview of the proposals, targets and regulation modes (e.g. ETS). Will they be sufficient to meet the climate change goals? How do they relate to the residual budget calculated by the IPCC?
The questionable premise of a potential absolute decoupling of GDP growth and energy throughput and the inevitable limits of the capitalist system logic are presented in detail using concrete individual examples (e.g. "green hydrogen," e-mobility). What alternatives must be fought for politically? Which allies are available for the necessary solidarity-based deconstruction of our economy?


Day: 2022-08-18
Start time: 10:00
Duration: 01:45
Room: W307 Organization:
Track: Ecology and climate justice
Language: de


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