Workshop: A062 Shorter working hours for Europe?!

Reduced working hours as crucial part of the socio-ecological transition

Reduced working hours is a crucial part of the urgent socio-ecological transition. It can only be successful on a European level. The European Network for the Fair Sharing of Working Time will present its activities, the fights of trade-unions and social movements for reduced working hours and good examples of reduced working hours from 15 European countries.

In the workshop three members of the steering committee of the European Network for the Fair Sharing of Working Time from France, Germany and UK will present the activities for working hour reduction on a European level: the 4 Day Week campaign in the UK, the demands and fights of trade unions for shorter working hours, especially those of the IG Metall/Germany, and good examples of working hour reduction in enterprises and municipalities. Together with the participants we will discuss how working hour reduction as a crucial part of the necessary socio-ecological transition can be promoted in the everyday life, in trade unions, social movements and in politics. We will also reflect on how to intensify the exchange on the different attempts to promote reduced working hours in the European countries.


Day: 2022-08-19
Start time: 10:00
Duration: 01:45
Room: SE02 Organization:
Track: Capitalism, health and social crisis
Language: en


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