Other: F2.3 Right-wing Extemism - International right-wing movements - analysis of the current situation and development of counter-strategies

An authoritarian-nationalist right is gaining strength worldwide. Fired up by election successes and even government participation, militant neo-fascists are taking to the streets. But everywhere there is also resistance against it. Trump, Putin, LePen, Bolsonaro, Orban, Modi and many others are the expression of an authoritarian turn of neoliberal capitalism, which is accompanied by anti-feminism, nationalist fantasies of great power, racism, conspiracy ideologies and other recycled elements of classic fascist ideologies. Social media are systematically flooded with fake news that mobilise street mobs. The (socially unequally distributed) dangers of climate change and pandemics are denied. Individuals are radicalised on the Internet to the point of committing mass murders, from Utøya to Halle and Hanau to Buffalo. Emancipatory movements are therefore not only in demand in the search for solidarity-based solutions to the current and socio-ecological crises, but at the same time in the fight against a renewed extreme right. In the forum we want to discuss the current situation in Europe, which anti-fascist strategies are promising and what this specifically means for the further practice of the social movements.
An authoritarian-nationalist right is gaining strength worldwide. Fired up by election successes and even government participation, militant neo-fascists are taking to the streets. But everywhere there is also resistance against it. Trump, Putin, LePen, Bolsonaro, Orban, Modi and many others are the expression of an authoritarian turn of neoliberal capitalism, which is accompanied by anti-feminism, nationalist fantasies of great power, racism, conspiracy ideologies and other recycled elements of classic fascist ideologies. Social media are systematically flooded with fake news that mobilise street mobs. The (socially unequally distributed) dangers of climate change and pandemics are denied. Individuals are radicalised on the Internet to the point of committing mass murders, from Utøya to Halle and Hanau to Buffalo. Emancipatory movements are therefore not only in demand in the search for solidarity-based solutions to the current and socio-ecological crises, but at the same time in the fight against a renewed extreme right. In the forum we want to discuss the current situation in Europe, which anti-fascist strategies are promising and what this specifically means for the further practice of the social movements.
Start time:
Audimax 2
Racism and migration