Other: F2.2 Climate - The big solutions we need for systemic change and climate justice

Global warming and climate change are reaching a tipping point in a "now or never" way. The already inadequate targets of the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C cannot be met. Since 1990, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has produced six reports. Each report has outlined the global challenges, the consequences and the international "solutions" needed to curb global warming and meet the targets. The facts are indisputable and the 198 countries negotiating under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are not meeting any of their emissions reduction targets. Under current climate plans, we are threatened with a temperature rise of 2.7°C, and we know the limits of these plans.
Diverse and competing solutions to the climate crisis and visions for the path to just transitions have emerged in recent decades and have gained increasing support from social movements and progressive academic circles that work with them. Many of the alternative and system-changing solutions that have been developed and are constantly being debated and developed speak of inclusive and sustainable development. They also argue the need to replace the rules of the global economy, end capitalism and develop principles and an agenda based on social justice, shared prosperity, cooperation and environmental sustainability. What do these alternatives look like and how can we ensure that they are implemented soon enough?
Our speakers will present the solutions from their respective movements and progressive circles.
Global warming and climate change are reaching a tipping point in a "now or never" way. The already inadequate targets of the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C cannot be met. Since 1990, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has produced six reports. Each report has outlined the global challenges, the consequences and the international "solutions" needed to curb global warming and meet the targets. The facts are indisputable and the 198 countries negotiating under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are not meeting any of their emissions reduction targets. Under current climate plans, we are threatened with a temperature rise of 2.7°C, and we know the limits of these plans.
Diverse and competing solutions to the climate crisis and visions for the path to just transitions have emerged in recent decades and have gained increasing support from social movements and progressive academic circles that work with them. Many of the alternative and system-changing solutions that have been developed and are constantly being debated and developed speak of inclusive and sustainable development. They also argue the need to replace the rules of the global economy, end capitalism and develop principles and an agenda based on social justice, shared prosperity, cooperation and environmental sustainability. What do these alternatives look like and how can we ensure that they are implemented soon enough?
Our speakers will present the solutions from their respective movements and progressive circles.
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Audimax 1
Ecology and climate justice